Ultrasound Packages & Prices
Here at 4D Peek a Boo, we invite you to bring family, friends, and children to share your first glimpses of your little one! We have 2D/3D/4D/HD Elective Ultrasound packages to suit everyone's needs.
2D Heartbeat $65.00
- 2D Scan
- Listen to your Baby's Heartbeat
- Printed Images
2D Gender Peek $90.00
- 2D Scan
- Gender Determination (Starting at 14+ Weeks)
- Listen to your Baby's Heartbeat
- Printed Images
- Images on BabyFlix Mobile App
- $10 OFF Future Visit (Same Pregnancy)
Mid-Week 4D/HD Peek $129.00
Tuesday & Wednesday ONLY
- 4D/HD Scan
- Gender Determination (Starting at 14+ Weeks)
- Listen to your Baby's Heartbeat
- Printed Images
- Images on BabyFlix Mobile App
No Discounts
4D/HD Deluxe Peek $155.00
- 4D/HD Scan
- Gender Determination (Starting at 14+ Weeks)
- Listen to your Baby's Heartbeat
- Printed Images
- Images on BabyFlix Mobile App
- $10 OFF Future Visit (Same Pregnancy)
4D/HD Premium Peek $185.00
- 4D/HD Scan
- Gender Determination (Starting at 14+ Weeks)
- Listen to your Baby's Heartbeat
- Printed Images
- Video of Ultrasound Session on BabyFlix
- Images on BabyFlix Mobile App
- $20 OFF Future Visit (Same Pregnancy)
4D/HD Double Peek $299.00
2 Seperate Ultrasound Sessions
- Gender Determination (Starting at 14+ Weeks)
- Listen to your Baby's Heartbeat
- Printed Images
- Video of Ultrasound Session on BabyFlix
- Images on BabyFlix Mobile App
- $20 OFF Future Visit (Same Pregnancy)
Please note there is a $25 additional charge for twins or multiples. (You will recieve double the images)
It is our pleasure to share the experience of your pregnancy with you.
Surprise your Mommy-To-Be with a 4D Peek a Boo
Ultrasound Gift Certificate! Call for details!
Baby’s development in the second trimester:

Weeks 14 Thru 16:
The baby’s skin is transparent and a fine hair (lanugo) begins to form on the head. The baby begins sucking and even swallows small amounts of amniotic fluid. Fingerprints are now developed on the tiny fingers of the baby. Flutters may be felt now as the baby begins to move around more. Sometimes feeling the movement will come a little later though. These early flutter feelings can feel similar to gas or bubbles in your stomach. The baby has reached 4 inches in length (crown to rump) and weighs around 3-4 ounces. Baby is about the size of an avocado at this point.

Weeks 17 Thru 20:
The baby has reached a point where movements are being felt more often. The baby now has eyebrows and eyelashes growing in, and tiny nails are beginning to grow on the fingers and toes. A heartbeat can be heard via stethoscope now. Studies suggest that baby can now hear your voice, so go ahead and start reading aloud or singing to him or her. The baby has reached a length of 6 inches (crown to rump) or 10 inches from head to feet and weighs about 10 ounces.

Weeks 21 Thru 24:
The baby is beginning to look more and more like a newborn as the skin becomes less transparent. Your uterus has now risen above your belly button and is near the size of a soccer ball. Baby’s movements start feeling more like full-fledged kicks instead of little flutters. The baby weighs about 1 pound and 5 ounces now and is about a foot long! His body is more proportional now, but still pretty skinny. Baby will put on more fat during the third trimester.

Weeks 24 Thru 27:
Your baby has now developed a sleep and wake cycle and you may begin to notice the pattern yourself. Baby's wrinkled skin will start to smooth out as he or she develops some baby fat. Hair is also growing now! Starting in the 27th week, your baby will be able to open and close his or her eyes! Along with kicks and movements, you may notice little rhythmic movements- baby hiccups! Weighing in at almost 2 pounds and 14 inches long, your baby would be capable of functioning now if born- with medical help of course.